What is the Pro Elite Scholarship Fund
Since the club’s inception it has been our mission to provide a program where quality, principal, ethics and integrity supersede revenue. Where members are paying only the actual cost to play and not for salaries, profits or anything other than baseball. In the true spirit of the game, we believe that money should not be a barrier between a player and the diamond. So, in 2018 the Pro Elite Baseball Club Board of Directors established the Pro Elite Scholarship Fund. The Scholarship fund was established to provide financial assistance to our club members and members of our local baseball community.
Who is a Candidate to Receive an Endowment from the Scholarship Fund?
Members of our club can apply to be considered, and anyone in our community can be nominated for consideration to receive an endowment from this fund should there be an acute need for financial assistance. An endowment from this fund does not necessarily need to be for costs associated with our club, it can be for things anywhere from recreational league registration to a need for cleats and/or baseball equipment. Endowments awarded will be for a specific need and will be issued following specific procedural guidelines. For example should an endowment be approved by the BOD, generally speaking Pro Elite will make payment on behalf of the recipient.
How does it work?
For a candidate to be considered as a member of the club, they must apply, or be nominated to the Board of Directors by a Board Member. Generally speaking head coaches of our program are privy to families needing assistance as leaders of their teams, or at a minimum have open communication with the families of their respective team. Coaches may nominate individuals for an endowment by contacting one of the club’s board members. Parents of our club are asked to bring families in need to the attention of their head coach. All nominees for endowment will be reviewed at the next scheduled board meeting. In order for an endowment to be approved, it must be voted on by all members of the Board of Directors and receive a unanimous approval.
How is the Scholarship Fund Funded?
Funding of the Scholarship Fund can occur through two sources:
All Major Club Fundraisers will contribute 5% of the total net earnings to the Scholarship Fund. (A major club fundraiser is defined by being an annual fundraiser and/or a fundraiser anticipated to raise funds in excess of $5,000).